mandag den 25. oktober 2010

Alpine Ski Slalom- + Racecarver

Denne hjemmeside,
skal du kende, hvis du interesserer dig for alverdens ski og skiudstyr.
Jeg har selv brugt denne hjemmeside og købt 2 par ski + dirverse ting og sager. Mange penge at spare!
Også denne hjemmeside er god

Sæsonens Ski:

Fischer RC 4 Worldcup SC Pro
+ Fischer RC 4 Z 13 10/11
For Slalom professionals: this ski stands out through perfect geometry for short and long turns, Hole Ski technology, World Cup base and edge finish. Further features: Sandwich Sidewall Construction with 0.8 double Titanal shell, Wood Core for first-class flex and edge grip, even on icy slopes. New sidecut and radius for improved skiing properties
Ultra lightweight and extremely strong high-tech material from the aerospace industry. Improves handling and performance
Wood core combined with ABS sidewalls in a classic Sandwich Construction for balanced flex and perfect rebound
Wood Core with double Titanal shell, reinforced with Air Carbon. Perfect edge grip and extremely smooth running as a result
RADIUS: 12 m / 165 cm
SIDECUT: 122 - 69 - 103
Længder: 150-155-160-165-170cm

Jeg har selv en del erfaring med denne ski, da jeg stod på dens forgænger hele sidste sæson. En helt igennem formidabel ski. Selvom det er en SC model er den utrolig stabil ved høj fart, samt fantastisk til små sving.

Fundet til 580euro på
Inkl. levering ca. 4400kr (langt under de danske priser)

Völkl Racetiger SL Racing Speedwall 10/11

For extreme edging, lightning fast changes of direction and bitingly fast acceleration, the Racetiger Speedwall SL is the perfect ski beneath your boot. The novel SPEEDWALL, which lets you wax the sides of the ski, gives extra pep during acceleration and leaves its pursuers in its tracks. With an eye-catching, shiny Titanal topsheet. A must for any racer!
Driving skills ambitious - professional
Core Full Sensor Woodcore
Technology Power Construction Powered by Titanium Speedwall
Radius: 14.0 m (170cm)
Sidecut: 120_66_101(170cm)
Længder: 155-160-165

Stod på denne ski i to sæsoner, et sten sikkert hit. Sjov og kraftfuld ski, som er let at smide fra kant til kant. Til skiløberen der kan lide at lave små eksplosive sving.

Fundet til 599euro på

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